The Friends of the Judge’s Shack (FOJS) was formed as a New Jersey non-profit corporation in 2011. It gained non-profit 501C-3 status in 2016. The organization is comprised of former guests of the Hartshorne family, and others with experience in historic preservation, building management, coastal environment, and history. Our mission is to preserve and maintain the Judge’s Shack, and assist the Island Beach State Park staff with opportunities for education about this iconic landmark.
Theodore Nickles, President Michael Gersie, Vice President Jack Abgott, Treasurer Jesse Hunting, Secretary
Bianca Charbonneau Deborah Douglas David Fastiggi Michael Gersie Hector Griswold Gordon Hesse Stephen Maybury Michael Mills Ari Seraphin
Craig Boddorf Emma Connelly Denis Dillon Kate Mayberry Don Layton
Bill Bolger William Cahill Allen Crawford John Orr